Per that Ken gentleman on twitter, we now know that Maggie and Alex have "an amicable breakup". I'll be sad to see sanvers go, but if Floriana wanted to leave then I think it was for the best.
What would you all like to see with Alex's love life going forwards? I'm hoping for some flirting in the crossover between her and Sara in the crossover, and maybe she might have something going on with Reign (or even Lena)?
- Jordan860
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Saturday, 23 September 2017
Per that Ken gentleman on twitter, we now know that Maggie and Alex have "an amicable breakup". I'll be sad to see sanvers go, but if Floriana wanted to leave then I think it was for the best.
What would you all like to see with Alex's love life going forwards? I'm hoping for some flirting in the crossover between her and Sara in the crossover, and maybe she might have something going on with Reign (or even Lena)?
I agree that breaking Sanvers up is the best option in this case. IMO I think it's better to end the relationship rather than continue with on 'offscreen' one.
I think I'd like to see Alex truly explore her somewhat newfound identity. The writers sort of just threw her into a serious relationship with the first woman she dated so I'd like it if she could date a bit and just have fun getting to know her newer self. Someone mentioned wanting to see a scene with Kara helping Alex to get ready for a date and now I just really want this to happen!
I'm not sure people should get their hopes up on a Sarah and Alex meeting.
Didn't another pap (Lindsay I think) tweet that Alex and Sara share scenes? If her info is correct I'd love to see some shameless flirting from Sara, a nervous/embarassed Alex and a highly amused Kara.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
I want Alex to develop a friendship with Mon-El. As Chyler said in an interview "future brother in law" Maybe get it on with a new woman that respects her. Wouldnt mind seeing her with Sara In crossover a little. Continue hanging with Kara, Mon-El, Winn, J'onn, James.If you believe the rumors about this story then you aren't going to like what he's saying about Mon-El either, Highly doubtful that "future brother-in-law" thing could happen according to this guy's rumor mill.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
I really liked Sanvers at the start. It was very touching and inspirational. But then Alex got kinda weird about it and the two were taking up too much time with arcs that have not much to do with the rest of the gang.
So I guess this is a good thing, for the integrity of the show.
I would agree on this. As separate people they were badasses in their own right and the chemistry between them was dynamite. But now i realize it was just a sugar high thanks to the writers (as usual) and it took away from the core relationship of this show, the one that held it together from the CBS year of season 1, Kara and Alex, which I think would be one part of the integrity of the show. And also it made Alex a weaker character, if you can believe it.
Besides, I think the Sanvers thing was way rushed...they went too quickly...again the writers. Now Floriana has something to do and perhaps it's time to end things, but on the upbeat note if it all comes to pass.
I would like the show to focus less on romance so if Alex stays single that's fine with me. Just have her hanging out with Kara, Lena, Jonn, Winn, James and Sam (Reign). That being said I think some flirting between Alex and Sara in the crossover would be great
Spot on there sheriek. Alex will be in the crossover (about time) and she and Kara will be an integral part of it. That said it would be a riot to see Alex and Sara well have some fun with each other, if not at least trade quips. Both can pull one out and drop the right bit of spicy sarcasm and look good doing it. I would also love to see Alex hang out with Felicity, Vixen, Iris and Caitlyn/(Killer) Frost.
Can't wait to see some behind the scenes pictures. And if there is one with all the women decked out (Kara, Alex, Felicity, Mari, Caitlyn, Iris and Sara), there would be the core for my version of the WJLA (Women's Justice League of America...all due respect to Washington, DC's ABC station).
Get ready for the hate storm from the Sanvers shippers
kdogg87, some people have better things to's a TV show for goodness sake.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
I want Alex to develop a friendship with Mon-El. As Chyler said in an interview "future brother in law" Maybe get it on with a new woman that respects her. Wouldnt mind seeing her with Sara In crossover a little. Continue hanging with Kara, Mon-El, Winn, J'onn, James.If you believe the rumors about this story then you aren't going to like what he's saying about Mon-El either, Highly doubtful that "future brother-in-law" thing could happen according to this guy's rumor mill.
I mean, mon el marries someone in the comics, so I'm not sure that's really a spoiler.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
so what does this Ken guy say about Mon-El?
He says he knows half of this statement is true: "Mon el will be married to shadow lass like in the comics". Given that, I think we can safely assume he'll be hitched. Ken also says that "it won't be good news for karamel fans, from what I've been told", and at sdcc, Chris said that karamel wouldn't pick up where they left off when mon el comes back. All that seems to add up nicely.
Wow, if this happens the writers might succeed in ending the shipping wars by pissing off everyone at once, thus uniting them.
The Karamel shippers will be upset Kara and Mon-El are not together. The anti-Mon-El crowd will be upset the he is there at all. They will also probably think it unfair that the character they have such a low opinion of is the one that gets married, but they will probably also be relieved that this will keep him from getting back together with Kara.
And of course the Sanvers shippers will be upset that Alex and Maggie break-up.
I think some people will be happy about karamel being eliminated, and that's good enough for them. I know there are also those happy about sanvers leaving because they don't like the ship for whatever reason, bad writing included. In all, the move would make a lot happy and piss some off. That's showbiz, I guess.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
At this point, I would encourage folks to take these as rumors. The source on this has a decent track record yes, but, it's too early to take it as fact right now.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
I thought he said Mon-el would be married to Saturn Girl, which I thought was kind of weird since in the comics he is married and then divorced to Shadow Lass..... But don't use the Canon argument to the #Karamel shippers....they will come Some I believe their heads have popped off. Haha
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
Well, I didn't like Sanvers since the coming out (which I identified with viscerally). So, I am happy if this is going to happen. And, I agree, I'd rather have Alex going out with others rather than have an off screen relationship.
I'd prefer the two of them to just be out and about the Season 2; with no drowning in one single ship to the detriment of every other relationship they have on show.
If they want to build other relationships build them over a long multi-season arc instead of just -4 episodes.
As far as wishing someone with Alex is concerned, I am looking forward to Alex-Lena interaction. Though I might not actually ship them. (I rarely ship people and my emotional investment even if I do like a pair is very tepid, so).
The only relationship I am really emotionally invested in and want to see on the show is Danvers Sisters; with the friendships and other ships with the rest of the cast thrown in.
I'd prefer the two of them to just be out and about the Season 2; with no drowning in one single ship to the detriment of every other relationship they have on show.
If they want to build other relationships build them over a long multi-season arc instead of just -4 episodes.
As far as wishing someone with Alex is concerned, I am looking forward to Alex-Lena interaction. Though I might not actually ship them. (I rarely ship people and my emotional investment even if I do like a pair is very tepid, so).
The only relationship I am really emotionally invested in and want to see on the show is Danvers Sisters; with the friendships and other ships with the rest of the cast thrown in.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
Well, can't say that I'm not a little relieved to see Maggie go. I'm glad that Alex will be reverting back to her old supportive self in S1 after her OOC storylines in S2. Having her casually dating and not in a serious relationship is also ok. As long as her scenes mesh well and are connected to Kara's vs the disjointed mess in S2.
Saturn Girl is a founding member of the Legion and her appearance on the show should be appreciated not just for shipping reasons.
It's funny to see all the Mon-El detractors wholeheartedly embracing Saturn Girl just out of spite (I mean, at least like her for the right reasons). But watch how fast they'll turn on the character/actress if it is somehow revealed that she's actually responsible for getting Karamel back together. lol
Saturn Girl is a founding member of the Legion and her appearance on the show should be appreciated not just for shipping reasons.
It's funny to see all the Mon-El detractors wholeheartedly embracing Saturn Girl just out of spite (I mean, at least like her for the right reasons). But watch how fast they'll turn on the character/actress if it is somehow revealed that she's actually responsible for getting Karamel back together. lol
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
On an entirely different point, I have a question. When I was in college, I dated a girl that was nearly perfect for me (at the time). The relationship was the longest one I had thus far in my life and I was convinced that it was going to go the distance. That said, after 13 months, it ended. Not by my choice.
I bring this up because I want to bring up the parallel with Alex. Alex is in a VERY new position in her life. Maggie is her first true relationship in her life. That said, if I didn't have and lose my first relationship of real love, I wouldn't have been prepared for Staffer Kelsey (my wife of two years and partner for over 7).
So I wanted to ask, while Maggie and Alex were incredible and very powerful television, representative of positive LGBTQ relationships, wouldn't it be in Alex's best interest to have the life experience to have one or two relationships to find a true and complete companion in life?
I bring this up because I want to bring up the parallel with Alex. Alex is in a VERY new position in her life. Maggie is her first true relationship in her life. That said, if I didn't have and lose my first relationship of real love, I wouldn't have been prepared for Staffer Kelsey (my wife of two years and partner for over 7).
So I wanted to ask, while Maggie and Alex were incredible and very powerful television, representative of positive LGBTQ relationships, wouldn't it be in Alex's best interest to have the life experience to have one or two relationships to find a true and complete companion in life?
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
I agree that with Floriana leaving that Sanvers breaking up was for the best. It would be hard to show a relationship without having Maggie there at least part of the time. I mean if Alex was fighting then it seems like Maggie would be with her so it would not seem realistic if we didn't see her some of the time.
I would like the show to focus less on romance so if Alex stays single that's fine with me. Just have her hanging out with Kara, Lena, Jonn, Winn, James and Sam (Reign). That being said I think some flirting between Alex and Sara in the crossover would be great. Also, I think it would be hilarious to have Kara help Alex get ready for a date like Alex did for Kara in Episode 1.
I would like the show to focus less on romance so if Alex stays single that's fine with me. Just have her hanging out with Kara, Lena, Jonn, Winn, James and Sam (Reign). That being said I think some flirting between Alex and Sara in the crossover would be great. Also, I think it would be hilarious to have Kara help Alex get ready for a date like Alex did for Kara in Episode 1.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 11
I really liked Sanvers at the start. It was very touching and inspirational. But then Alex got kinda weird about it and the two were taking up too much time with arcs that have not much to do with the rest of the gang.
So I guess this is a good thing, for the integrity of the show.
So I guess this is a good thing, for the integrity of the show.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 13
Though this may be true....I would not trust Ken the Paparazzi on anything.
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 14
I really liked Sanvers at the start. It was very touching and inspirational. But then Alex got kinda weird about it and the two were taking up too much time with arcs that have not much to do with the rest of the gang.
So I guess this is a good thing, for the integrity of the show.
I tend to agree. One of my biggest complaints in season 2 is how everyone was off doing their own thing in almost completely separate storylines, instead of great ensemble pieces. Sanvers was part of that. Yes, it was very touching and important, at the start. But it did take up a lot of screen time.
I feel like the Sanvers shipping community is going to lose their minds, and we're going to have a world of backlash. But Floriana was never meant to be a full time cast member, and was never meant to ride out the rest of the series. Even the producers admitted that. And if Floriana has found a full time acting gig, then we can't really blame her for leaving. As an actor, you go where the work is.
None of this erases Alex's growth, and how she will progress throughout the future of the show. But I definitely look forward to the dynamic coming back to the core cast.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 15
As much as I like the character, this is probably the way to go. At least with an amicable breakup they have the option of getting back together in a later season, once whatever it is that broke them up has been resolved.
It also frees Alex's character to do things like flirt with Sarah in the crossover. (Which she will finally participate in, thank Zeus)
As far as love interests for Alex I hadn't much thought about it. Perhaps have her date causualy rather than have her jump into another serious relationship?
I suppose with Rein they can do something similar to what they did with Alex and Max in the first season except it would be less one-sided this time, since Alex would actually be physicaly attracted to her.
Are there any theories as to the reason for the breakup?
My hope is that Maggie is offered a position as head of Gotham's Science Division, which would require her to move to Gotham. This is a huge opportunity for Maggie and she understandably wants to take the position. Alex of course doesn't want to move to Gotham as it's far away from everything important to her, but she doesn't want to hold Maggie back. Realizing they want pursue different things they breakup.
This would also be a good way to show Kara that love, by itself, isn't always enough of a reason to stay together. Sometimes other practical concerns need to be taken into account.
It also frees Alex's character to do things like flirt with Sarah in the crossover. (Which she will finally participate in, thank Zeus)
As far as love interests for Alex I hadn't much thought about it. Perhaps have her date causualy rather than have her jump into another serious relationship?
I suppose with Rein they can do something similar to what they did with Alex and Max in the first season except it would be less one-sided this time, since Alex would actually be physicaly attracted to her.
Are there any theories as to the reason for the breakup?
My hope is that Maggie is offered a position as head of Gotham's Science Division, which would require her to move to Gotham. This is a huge opportunity for Maggie and she understandably wants to take the position. Alex of course doesn't want to move to Gotham as it's far away from everything important to her, but she doesn't want to hold Maggie back. Realizing they want pursue different things they breakup.
This would also be a good way to show Kara that love, by itself, isn't always enough of a reason to stay together. Sometimes other practical concerns need to be taken into account.
Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 16
I'm not sure people should get their hopes up on a Sarah and Alex meeting. Being part of the crossover could simply mean being part of the Supergirl portion and possibly not seeing many if any characters from the other shows. I just don't trust the PTB and their information. Remember the 4 part crossover last year that wasn't? I just hope peopel don't get their expectations of too many specifics from what has been said thus far about the crossover. #Sanvers peeps had a nervous breakdown after seeing "Sanvers centric episode" and it was the "Mr. and Mrs. Mxy" episode and they weren't the main plotline, they almost exploded. So, I've learned to take what is said with a grain of salt, and only go with what I see from the episode itself. I was also excited about the "Ace Reporter" episode, and was sorely let down by the lack of Supergirl and when we got her she is taken down so easily simply to be saved once again by someone else. IMO, that is what plagued the 1st and 2nd season more than anything else. I was ok with it in the 1st season, she was learning, but then again, the let down in "Survivors", "Ace Reporter", and a few others.
There I was all excited on Twitter about how Kara FINALLY defeated the foe BY HERSELF, ON HER OWN and in a beautiful way......only to be drowned out on the writer's feed by #Sanvers fans b******* about the lack of #Sanvers. So, word to the wise, don't set your hopes so high that if they don't hit exactly as you want it doesn't ruin a very good episode for you. "Ace Reporter" was actually well written, and I loved the Mon-el/Kara parts.....but that mess at the end threw all of that out the window.
There I was all excited on Twitter about how Kara FINALLY defeated the foe BY HERSELF, ON HER OWN and in a beautiful way......only to be drowned out on the writer's feed by #Sanvers fans b******* about the lack of #Sanvers. So, word to the wise, don't set your hopes so high that if they don't hit exactly as you want it doesn't ruin a very good episode for you. "Ace Reporter" was actually well written, and I loved the Mon-el/Kara parts.....but that mess at the end threw all of that out the window.
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 17
I really liked Sanvers at the start. It was very touching and inspirational. But then Alex got kinda weird about it and the two were taking up too much time with arcs that have not much to do with the rest of the gang.
So I guess this is a good thing, for the integrity of the show.
I would agree on this. As separate people they were badasses in their own right and the chemistry between them was dynamite. But now i realize it was just a sugar high thanks to the writers (as usual) and it took away from the core relationship of this show, the one that held it together from the CBS year of season 1, Kara and Alex, which I think would be one part of the integrity of the show. And also it made Alex a weaker character, if you can believe it.
Besides, I think the Sanvers thing was way rushed...they went too quickly...again the writers. Now Floriana has something to do and perhaps it's time to end things, but on the upbeat note if it all comes to pass.
Yeah, the relationship was super rushed and Alex got super OOC. There is NO scenario where Alex would ever ever abandon Kara on her birthday. Ever. Sanvers, like a lot of things on the show, was well-intentioned but executed very very poorly.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 18
Ken the Paparazzi is not a confirmation.....he may be right, but to go off of a guy that may have heard something from someone on the set? May be true, but certainly not a confirmation. From the writers, director, producers, a confirmation. Ken is a pot stirrer.

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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 19
Ken the Paparazzi is not a confirmation.....he may be right, but to go off of a guy that may have heard something from someone on the set? May be true, but certainly not a confirmation. From the writers, director, producers, a confirmation. Ken is a pot stirrer.![]()
He was right about mon el leaving, so I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 20
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