I thought that it might be nice to have one place to discuss the character of Reign as we progress through this season. While I'm a bit sad about the character turning evil, I am very eager to see the extent that the writers will go with the villain. She has the possibility of being quite the formidable foe for Supergirl.
Perhaps we can start with some facts about her that we know at the moment and add to the list as we find out more details.
I'll start a list and I can add to it later. Even though the character exists in the comics, I thought that it might be better to keep those facts off the list until they present themselves as we're not sure what aspects the writers will use from her comic book counterpart. But, feel free to discuss any aspect of the character.
Human persona
- Name Samantha
- Adopted
- 12 year old daughter named Ruby (had Ruby when young)
- Father of Ruby unknown
- Known Lena for a long time
- Arrived on Earth when Kal-El did
- Estranged from adopted mother
- Mother found Sam in Krypton pod
- Turned to Reign after a trigger
- Seems to suffer type of split personality (doesn't recall actions as Reign)
- Loses time when Reign
Alien persona
- From Krypton
- Genetically engineered
- Connection with Alura
- World Killer
- Fortress of Sanctuary- in a desert, exact location unknown
- From a time before Fathoming
- Built to cleanse the scourge and deliver the Awakening
- Dispenser of Justice/Vengeance
- Believes that those who stand by and do nothing are guilty of crimes
- Seems to take orders from higher source (hologram)
Powers exhibited
-Super strength
-Invulnerable to bullets
-Super Speed
-Red laser heat
-Super Vision
- Freeze breath
-Powers not dependent on yellow sun
-Not as susceptible to electricity as Supergirl
-Pure form of kryptonite injected into body
-Psi and other telepaths
With Reign there is a huge part of me that wants them to go full on scary as heck villain, in that you think she is coming back to Sam, and then BAM.....no she doesn't, with a laugh. Full on fight to the death at some point. I love Odette, but the power of those scenes, and the impact on Kara would be something we have never seen before.
Then there is the part of me that wants at the very last minute for Sam to return, but then....no, because we would miss out on some spectacular drama and acting.
Then there is the part of me that wants at the very last minute for Sam to return, but then....no, because we would miss out on some spectacular drama and acting.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
Well in episode 7 Sam does go to her (adoptive) mom for answers and I bet that she will have the pod that Reign was sent in and that is where she will get the suit and stuff but I bet her powers work kinda like killer frost`s
Interesting you should say that, Supergirlfan. I was thinking the other day, that's how the show runners could, if they wanted, keep Sam past Season 3--let her be like Kaitlyn. If this season does end up with Sam eventually redeeming herself at the very end--choosing to do a last minute save against a larger foe (i.e a group of worldkiller)--next season Sam's story could mirror Kaitlyn, CHOOSing not to be Reign, and choose not to use her powers. Actually, that would also mirror pre-Supergirl Kara.
But, then again, a horrible side of my wants the full Greek tragedy of us loving Sam, but she, in the end, needs to be destroyed

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
Well in episode 7 Sam does go to her (adoptive) mom for answers and I bet that she will have the pod that Reign was sent in and that is where she will get the suit and stuff but I bet her powers work kinda like killer frost`s
Interesting you should say that, Supergirlfan. I was thinking the other day, that's how the show runners could, if they wanted, keep Sam past Season 3--let her be like Kaitlyn. If this season does end up with Sam eventually redeeming herself at the very end--choosing to do a last minute save against a larger foe (i.e a group of worldkiller)--next season Sam's story could mirror Kaitlyn, CHOOSing not to be Reign, and choose not to use her powers. Actually, that would also mirror pre-Supergirl Kara.
But, then again, a horrible side of my wants the full Greek tragedy of us loving Sam, but she, in the end, needs to be destroyed![]()
Good idea and I do agree I do want her to stay and be like Kaitlyn but a large part of me wants her to actually sacrifice herself in the end to the world or something and ends up dying but also the hero and Kara is the one that had the huge lecture to Reign that made Sam come back![]()
Yeah Caitlyn went villain for half a season and still gets to be part of the 'good guys' in Flash season 4. I wonder if it will be possible for her to live any sort of normal life after her crimes though. Especially being a kryptonian with all that power available at her fingertips.
I like the idea of a powered Sam suppressing Reign at the very end and making a last stand against a larger foe. Like maybe even so Ruby's last memory of her mom could be not as a monster but of the mommy she knows and loves.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
Considering the emphasis on sisters, I think it is possible Sam has Alura's genes (and may be both Alura's and Zor El's genes) rather than Kara's. Thematically, then she would be Kara's sister. (Using Kara's genes to create her would make her technically, Kara's daughter).
Agreed, Kara and Sam being “sisters” fits better. I’ll add this to that thought if Lex is Ruby’s father then Lena is Sam’s sister in law. Was it foreshadowing when Kara said the three of them are sisters.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
I like your prediction, Argo. I think that when we see Sam turn around to face Ruby in the next episode, it will be Sam and not Reign. Personally, I believe it is too early for them to unmask Reign to the other characters. I would be okay if they didn't do it until late in the season. That lets Sam continue to be Sam and Ruby to still have some semblance of her mother for awhile. Plus, I'm not too eager to see Alex as Ruby's caretaker for the rest of the season.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
Cccrrrraaaaapppp!! Crap crap crap CRAP!!
I just rewatched this week's episode and.... I... LOVE... SAM!! Like.. I would watch a show entirely based on her character. Odette is really good--smooth, believable dialogue deliverance, good facials, just seems like a solid character.
Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! This is gonna sucketh.
I just rewatched this week's episode and.... I... LOVE... SAM!! Like.. I would watch a show entirely based on her character. Odette is really good--smooth, believable dialogue deliverance, good facials, just seems like a solid character.
Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! This is gonna sucketh.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
based on the fact that on every tv show and comic book's big bad knows the superhero's identity either prior or discover later on that raises my suspicions on how Reign is going to find out and when. Then when she does i bet that this will empower Sam and give her the upper hand to take down Reign and at first i thought that this might make Sam a little angry but Sam also kept her secrets so that wouldn't make sense so she couldn't be mad. And will Sam even remember her horrible acts or will it kinda be like blackouts? If she doesn't remember will supergirl confront Sam as herself and be shocked when Sam has no idea what she is talking about? Since episode 6 is all about Alex and Kara and no Sam and Reign will make an appearance in episode nine and then episode 8 will be the crossover and that means no Sam i think Reign will be born in episode 7 which makes perfect sense since Sam does seek answers from her mom and maybe she might have the pod and that is where she gets the suit. and her origin. There was an interview that claimed that Reign's powers will be nothing like Supergirl's and that they will be a surprise. Yes she can is bullet proof, has superstrength, and can fly but i wonder what else she can do. How will this affect Ruby and who is the father? And does Ruby have powers? Will Ruby even know at the beginning that her mom is Reign? Because if the blackout theory is true who knows if Ruby will know when the Reign fallout happens. Will Ruby try to seek help and will Reign even care about Ruby? Who will Ruby go to or will someone go to her? Once Reign finds out her identity will she attack Kara at her house or maybe even at CatCo? Will Reign tell Lena that Supergirl is Kara? Will Reign kidnap Eliza or maybe even Alex? Or possibly Lena? Will there be more worldkillers? so much questions and so little answers.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
Well in episode 7 Sam does go to her (adoptive) mom for answers and I bet that she will have the pod that Reign was sent in and that is where she will get the suit and stuff but I bet her powers work kinda like killer frost`s
Interesting you should say that, Supergirlfan. I was thinking the other day, that's how the show runners could, if they wanted, keep Sam past Season 3--let her be like Kaitlyn. If this season does end up with Sam eventually redeeming herself at the very end--choosing to do a last minute save against a larger foe (i.e a group of worldkiller)--next season Sam's story could mirror Kaitlyn, CHOOSing not to be Reign, and choose not to use her powers. Actually, that would also mirror pre-Supergirl Kara.
But, then again, a horrible side of my wants the full Greek tragedy of us loving Sam, but she, in the end, needs to be destroyed![]()
Good idea and I do agree I do want her to stay and be like Kaitlyn but a large part of me wants her to actually sacrifice herself in the end to the world or something and ends up dying but also the hero and Kara is the one that had the huge lecture to Reign that made Sam come back

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
Considering the emphasis on sisters, I think it is possible Sam has Alura's genes (and may be both Alura's and Zor El's genes) rather than Kara's. Thematically, then she would be Kara's sister. (Using Kara's genes to create her would make her technically, Kara's daughter).
While I really like Odette and wish she would remain post this season, I think it is best for Cadmus to remain the series villain and Reign to be this season's villain.
The DEO can adopt Ruby if needed. However, I hope she won't have as much screentime as now. Or, may be, she will grow up and become interesting. However, I don't want Kara's or Alex's story to be wholly taken up with her.
While I really like Odette and wish she would remain post this season, I think it is best for Cadmus to remain the series villain and Reign to be this season's villain.
The DEO can adopt Ruby if needed. However, I hope she won't have as much screentime as now. Or, may be, she will grow up and become interesting. However, I don't want Kara's or Alex's story to be wholly taken up with her.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
Then there is the part of me that wants at the very last minute for Sam to return, but then....no, because we would miss out on some spectacular drama and acting.Love and feel-good happy tears for Ruby - heck no, screw that! We''ll sacrifice that for rip your heart out, gut-wrenching despair

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
Rewatching right now.
"Do you feel that?"
"Your pulse?"
"You are my heart."
That just struck me. I think it's interesting, perhaps a slight foreshadow that, in the end, Ruby will somehow help Sam be redeemed. Reign/Sam may still die in the end, but die as Sam... not Reign... because Ruby was the one thing unforeseen by the scientists.
I think it was to parallel with Kara's line, "Shame on me for having a human heart".
I think both of those lines will come into play later.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 11
Im wondering how reign will react to ruby. It's possible she'll just ignore her, but I have a feeling that she'll hate her, seeing her as the annoying little creature that delayed her awakening.Yeah, not sure that we will see any type of sympathy or real love from Reign toward Ruby. But, I wonder if she will view Ruby as a possible protégé, having the World Killer genes within her, and be protective of her in that role.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 12
When she just dropped Supergirl over the side of the building? Epic and so very well acted!!!
To me it was when she head butted her....Supergirl's face was so scary and heartbreaking all at the same time, and then yes the final drop to the ground....they gave us a shot that looked like she was hanging rather than lying on the ground, it was so cool.....and such a shout out to the comic book fans.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 13
Sam who?
Reign is a beast and I love her. By far, she is the best villain that the Supergirl show has had on since it started. It needs to Reign the rest of the season, return some next season and become scattered throughout for the remaining seasons.
Really though, I like Sam and keeping her as a separate, ongoing personality adds a lot to the character(s). Not sure how I want her story to end, yet.
Will return with more thoughts after I have peeled my mind off of the ceiling from watching that fight.

Really though, I like Sam and keeping her as a separate, ongoing personality adds a lot to the character(s). Not sure how I want her story to end, yet.
Will return with more thoughts after I have peeled my mind off of the ceiling from watching that fight.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 14
While a nice point about the priestess, SuperMatt, I think that Sam as Sam would not be held responsible for those deaths. I am also thinking that Morgan Edge must be a little nervous realizing that it wasn’t Supergirl shooting heat vision at him.
Yeah I was thinking the same. Like Deathstroke on arrow has killed way more, and yet Oliver still let him go to try to find his son a few weeks ago.
I know people were speculating that Reign and Morgan edge would team up , but now I do not think that is the case. I know there was supposed to be episode 11 called 'Fort Rozz' and maybe we all misunderstood that as thinking Kara physically visits Fort Rozz or Reign does. What if thats about the forgotten prisoners, other kryptonians that just wanted to live a quiet life and didnt participate in Astra's plan? If so, as a former fort rozz inmate, I suspect the priestess might appear in the episode titled 'Fort Rozz'
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 15
I would think that a priestess who knows more of the history of Krypton, thus possibly more about Reign, would be a valuable source for Kara to seek out. So, yeah, possibly that is the purpose of that episode.While a nice point about the priestess, SuperMatt, I think that Sam as Sam would not be held responsible for those deaths. I am also thinking that Morgan Edge must be a little nervous realizing that it wasn’t Supergirl shooting heat vision at him.
Yeah I was thinking the same. Like Deathstroke on arrow has killed way more, and yet Oliver still let him go to try to find his son a few weeks ago.
I know people were speculating that Reign and Morgan edge would team up , but now I do not think that is the case. I know there was supposed to be episode 11 called 'Fort Rozz' and maybe we all misunderstood that as thinking Kara physically visits Fort Rozz or Reign does. What if thats about the forgotten prisoners, other kryptonians that just wanted to live a quiet life and didnt participate in Astra's plan? If so, as a former fort rozz inmate, I suspect the priestess might appear in the episode titled 'Fort Rozz'
Argo, do you think that Edge actually thought it was Supergirl or was he just trying to throw supposition onto her for his own gain?
I think Edge thought it might be Supergirl since Reign had not revealed herself as such. The fact that he had a lead lined panic room indicates to me that he was fearful of Supergirl.
A journey of 1,000 KM, begins with one step.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 16
Agreed. Great thread, Sully!
We're all pretty sure the League is actually in the ship. But, seeing the headline on this makes me wonder....what if Sam is able to redeem herself eventually turning "good," if only but at the very end, and helps defeat other worldkillers to save her friends and Ruby?
Are There Other Worldkillers
We're all pretty sure the League is actually in the ship. But, seeing the headline on this makes me wonder....what if Sam is able to redeem herself eventually turning "good," if only but at the very end, and helps defeat other worldkillers to save her friends and Ruby?
Are There Other Worldkillers
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 19
"Question - anyone know who the woman is that appeared to Sam in the bathroom during episode 4, I think? The one with the hood? I don't think that wasn't the same actress that played Alura so, it wouldn't have been her."
Hey, Sully....if you're asking who the actress is, I have no answer. If you're asking who the character is, I believe it's one of the peeps who put Reign in her pod at the end of Season 2.
Hey, Sully....if you're asking who the actress is, I have no answer. If you're asking who the character is, I believe it's one of the peeps who put Reign in her pod at the end of Season 2.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 20
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