I thought it would be fun to discuss small things we would like to see on the show, not necessary to the season ark perhaps, but fun to have. I'll start.
In the same vain of Cat's mentions of Star Wars/Harrison Ford, I think it would be fun to have Mark Hamill on the show in some capacity, either as some sort of villain (but not the Joker) or as himself, bonus points if he does his "famous Joker impression" especially if he does it in front of Cat.
On another note I would like to see Lena Luther dress up as Carmen Sandiego for Halloween (she already has the red trench coat, she just needs the Fedora and Boots) and have Kara don a short brown wig and go as Where's Waldo.
I want to see Professor Luzano from season 1 again. (I was hoping to see him in Season 2, but alas...) I don't care if they just have him standing in the background eating a hotdog, I just want to see him. And along the same line I want to see Kevin aka fish head guy, maybe with an earring in the place Winn accidentally hit him with a dart.
I want to see Siobhan again!
I want to see her read an article in the trib, notice Kara's name on the byline and do the banshee scream, breakout and seek revenge. (maybe interrupt one of Kara's lunches with Lena)
I want her to confront Winn at some point
And I want Lyra to fight her, as Maggie observes, "yeah, Alex wasn't kidding when she said you had a type"
I also want Supergirl to visit Lena's Children's hospital. Or better yet, participate in a fund-raiser for it like a marathon, except Supergirl has to start in Main and run through all 50 states (in a predetermined order) before she gets to the starting line in National city, so everyone else has a chance. (oh, and no flying allowed, so she has to swim to and from Hawaii)
So yeah, that's my list of things I'd like to see. What's yours?
- Gavagai
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Sunday, 28 May 2017
Just for fun, I'd like to see SG interacting with ordinary people in everyday situations. It could just be a brief scene, without any necessary connection to the episode. Such things have been referenced a few times in the dialog, but seldom shown. For example, show her in line at a convenience store, bakery, or ATM. Umpiring a baseball game or officiating a basketball game or soccer (football) match. Maybe dropping in (literally) to an outdoor wedding reception or a kid's birthday party. For that last one the EPs could actually have a contest to win an on-set themed birthday party and film some of it for the show. Mel B is a natural in such settings and it would be fun to see the reactions of "civilians."
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
- Game night with just the old Scooby crew.
- Kara flying Alex a few more times... And oh oh... Flying Eliza for fun
- Kara saving Lena AS Kara.
- More Winn and Lena scenes please.
- Roulette/Siabon v Supergirl/Alex
-Bring back Max!! And... Make Alex bi... And she and Max go back to flirting like they use to. Their like/hate relationship was on point.
- Kara flying Alex a few more times... And oh oh... Flying Eliza for fun

- Kara saving Lena AS Kara.
- More Winn and Lena scenes please.
- Roulette/Siabon v Supergirl/Alex
-Bring back Max!! And... Make Alex bi... And she and Max go back to flirting like they use to. Their like/hate relationship was on point.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
Probably my favourite aspect of superheroes is the total wonder and amazement they arouse when they first appear in pubic. There was some of that particularly in season 1, although Superman was already on the scene so Supergirl was not entirely novel.
I like Supergirl fighting futuristic, other-worldly foes, in the now. But I would also like to see her travel back in time. Imagine her impact in the Wild West (all those incredible powers and a woman too!). She could have considerable fun fighting the men in the black hats. Or in HG Wells' England take his time machine to combat the Morlocks. Or in medieval Europe protecting the peasants against the greedy landed gentry. Or during prohibition, fighting gangsters.
Her impact in those sorts of times would be interesting to see, at least for sad little me.
I like Supergirl fighting futuristic, other-worldly foes, in the now. But I would also like to see her travel back in time. Imagine her impact in the Wild West (all those incredible powers and a woman too!). She could have considerable fun fighting the men in the black hats. Or in HG Wells' England take his time machine to combat the Morlocks. Or in medieval Europe protecting the peasants against the greedy landed gentry. Or during prohibition, fighting gangsters.
Her impact in those sorts of times would be interesting to see, at least for sad little me.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
Supergirl to be on a Celebrity Edition of a game show.
I now have this picture in my head of Supergirl as a contestant on Celebrity Jeopardy.
Unrelated: I also have a picture in my head of Supergirl and Felicia Day meeting and fangirling out over each other. Kara has probably seen "Dr. Horrible" and "The Guild" more times than she cares to admit.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
"But I would also like to see her travel back in time. Imagine her impact in the Wild West (all those incredible powers and a woman too!). She could have considerable fun fighting the men in the black hats. Or in HG Wells' England take his time machine to combat the Morlocks. Or in medieval Europe protecting the peasants against the greedy landed gentry. Or during prohibition, fighting gangsters."
Interesting ideas.... Hmmm - what did they have back then that could stop Supergirl? Before Krypton exploded, there wouldn't have been any kryptonite on Earth.
Let's see - we know she can be knocked out (or at least knocked around) by explosions. And they had gunpowder (black powder, that is) in Medieval and Renaissance Europe. (The Chinese and Arabs had it even earlier.) Then they had dynamite (a high explosive) in the Wild West. What about natural hazards? Maybe try to trick Kara into flying over an active volcano, or set up a makeshift lightning rod to try to electrocute her (Livewire-style)? Hey, here's another idea - maybe an evil medieval alchemist accidentally comes up with a potion of some sort that turns out to be chemically identical (or at least very close) to kryptonite! And it would be even cooler if his last name turns out to be Luthor
Interesting ideas.... Hmmm - what did they have back then that could stop Supergirl? Before Krypton exploded, there wouldn't have been any kryptonite on Earth.
Let's see - we know she can be knocked out (or at least knocked around) by explosions. And they had gunpowder (black powder, that is) in Medieval and Renaissance Europe. (The Chinese and Arabs had it even earlier.) Then they had dynamite (a high explosive) in the Wild West. What about natural hazards? Maybe try to trick Kara into flying over an active volcano, or set up a makeshift lightning rod to try to electrocute her (Livewire-style)? Hey, here's another idea - maybe an evil medieval alchemist accidentally comes up with a potion of some sort that turns out to be chemically identical (or at least very close) to kryptonite! And it would be even cooler if his last name turns out to be Luthor

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
Supergirl to be on a Celebrity Edition of a game show.
I now have this picture in my head of Supergirl as a contestant on Celebrity Jeopardy.
Me too! And thanks to repeated mentions on the show, I imagine Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Taylor Swift as her fellow contestants XD
Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
A Team Up with Mary Marvel from "Earth Shazam".....especially if Mary is even more winsome wholesome and upbeat than Kara.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
- I agree with wanting to see Professor Luzano again, maybe have him interact with Lyra since both are from the same planet, maybe have both join in with the Superfriends team once in a while.
- Speaking of which I’d like see some related references:
- A flashback of Starhaven (now that we have seen Krypton and Daxim)
- Interaction between Winn and Lyra’s brother Bastian.
- The alien Brian have a life changing experience because of Supergirl’s influence and actual do something notably heroic.
- Trouble for Winn:
- Toyman, Winn Senior return more dangerous than ever.
- Anton Schott (Dollmaker) show up and cause trouble for both Winn’s Senior and Junior or team up with Toyman against Winn and Supergirl?
- Red Tornado reassembled and Supergirl give him the opportunity for redemption as a superhero
- An episode based inside the Phantom Zone maybe someone needing rescuing.
- More 5th Dimensional characters e.g. Bat-Mite
- Reactron: his episode was weak (like Livewire, his first episode occurred within the first few episodes when the show was still struggling to find its feet (and thankfully it succeeded)). I’d like to see Reactron get the same chance Livewire did in a more memorable episode (now that Supergirl is firmly established as the best show on TV).
- Simon Tycho: It would be interesting to throw his character into the mix between the DEO and Cadmus. Especially his obsession with Supergirl.
- Brainiac: I know we saw Indigo (Brainiac 8) but I’d like to see a full on version of Brainiac, not a stripped down version like Smallville but a fully realised Knowledge steeling, City bottling, Planet destroying version like in the Timverse Cartoons or “Superman Unbound”.
- Mongul: In the episode “Survivors” Mon-el mentions War World when talking about Draaga’s weekness, I’d like to see an episode on War World with Supergirl fighting Mongul.
- Granny Goodness / the Female Furies: This may be tricky if WB are keeping Apocalypse based characters for the Movie Universe but I would like to see this battle on Supergirl.
- Lobo: I’d like to see Supergirl put Lobo in his place especially considering his attitude.
- Powerboy: I’d like to see his obsessive behaviour transferred from the comic to the TV screen the resulting drama that creates (I know there are plenty of fans who will disagree with me on this, wanting more action and less relationships)
- Psi: I know she was in the Sterling Gates, Adventures of Supergirl Comic but I would like to see Psi on the TV show.
- Solomon Grundy: maybe for a Halloween episode
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
I now have this picture in my head of Supergirl as a contestant on Celebrity Jeopardy.
Here you go Zendar, found some artwork just for you. I've also attached the article it came from about Supergirl questions on Jeopardy.
OMG!! Ba ha ha ha ha ha Can you just picture Melissa???! She would be HILARIOUS!!
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
In Lois and Clark had a few episodes with H.G. Wells including traveling back to the Wild West. It might be interesting to see Supergirl fight Tempus. I’d prefer if H.G. Wells was on the Flash, and seeing both H.G and H.R interact.
In “How does she do it” the bomb was described as having a Helium core, suggesting it took a nuclear explosion to knock Supergirl out. Other explosions like the car in the flashback or the trap in the freight container she remained unfazed.
Magic is another known weakness, Supergirl and Lena luthor could be Connecticut Yankee’s in King Arthur’s Court. Maybe as an in joke have Lena’s science face off against Morgan Le Fay’s magic while Supergirl fights the entire army.
In “How does she do it” the bomb was described as having a Helium core, suggesting it took a nuclear explosion to knock Supergirl out. Other explosions like the car in the flashback or the trap in the freight container she remained unfazed.
Magic is another known weakness, Supergirl and Lena luthor could be Connecticut Yankee’s in King Arthur’s Court. Maybe as an in joke have Lena’s science face off against Morgan Le Fay’s magic while Supergirl fights the entire army.
"But I would also like to see her travel back in time. Imagine her impact in the Wild West. Or in HG Wells' England take his time machine to combat the Morlocks. Or in medieval Europe protecting the peasants against the greedy landed gentry. Or during prohibition, fighting gangsters."
Interesting ideas.... Hmmm - what did they have back then that could stop Supergirl? Before Krypton exploded, there wouldn't have been any kryptonite on Earth.
Let's see - we know she can be knocked out (or at least knocked around) by explosions. And they had gunpowder in Medieval and Renaissance Europe. Hey, here's another idea - maybe an evil medieval alchemist accidentally comes up with a potion of some sort that turns out to be chemically identical (or at least very close) to kryptonite! And it would be even cooler if his last name turns out to be Luthor![]()
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 11
OK, now that I have finally tonight seen the last episode of both Supergirl and the Flash, a few updates:
Since Savitar has killed H.R. Wells, I would still be interested in seeing H.G Wells interact with Earth 2 Harrison as the in joke still applies. It would be interesting if H.G. was an ancestor.
It would be funny if Bat-Mite had a Batman 66 vibe to him, maybe the costume
In tonight’s episode, Superman has mentioned being to War World too, now I definitely want to see a fight between Supergirl and Mongul.
Since Savitar has killed H.R. Wells, I would still be interested in seeing H.G Wells interact with Earth 2 Harrison as the in joke still applies. It would be interesting if H.G. was an ancestor.
In Lois and Clark had a few episodes with H.G. Wells including traveling back to the Wild West. It might be interesting to see Supergirl fight Tempus. I’d prefer if H.G. Wells was on the Flash, and seeing both H.G and H.R interact.
It would be funny if Bat-Mite had a Batman 66 vibe to him, maybe the costume
- More 5th Dimensional characters e.g. Bat-Mite
In tonight’s episode, Superman has mentioned being to War World too, now I definitely want to see a fight between Supergirl and Mongul.
- Mongul: In the episode “Survivors” Mon-el mentions War World when talking about Draaga’s weekness, I’d like to see an episode on War World with Supergirl fighting Mongul.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 12
"In “How does she do it” the bomb was described as having a Helium core, suggesting it took a nuclear explosion to knock Supergirl out."
Yes - as a physics teacher, I couldn't figure that one out at all! "Helium core - huh? Say what??"
Thermonuclear bombs actually use heavy isotopes of hydrogen, which they fuse to produce helium! And the bomb in "How Does She Do It?' was described as being able to level 10 city blocks, much less damage than a nuclear bomb would do. (More on the level of the MOAB, the largest non-nuclear bomb in the US arsenal).
But Kara was at least stunned and then fell to the ground by the effects of ordinary high-explosive bombs and warheads in other episodes, too. Toyman's bombs had that effect in the "Childish Things" episode, and so did Metallo's missile (fired from a drone) in the second season premiere. I wouldn't expect her to be affected by a car blowing up, though. A gasoline explosion produces much less energy than a high explosive bomb (and car's gas tank isn't really that large). I don't know if a black powder (a low explosive) bomb would have that much of an effect on her, though (unless it was very large, like an entire powder mill or ammo dump going up).
" Supergirl and Lena Luthor could be Connecticut Yankee’s in King Arthur’s Court"
It might be fun to show that what was considered "magic" then was actually primitive science in some cases. Have Merlin spout some mumbo-jumbo about how he will "call forth fire from the heavens" to take down Supergirl. But what he actually does is set up a sort of lightning rod on a church steeple. And sure enough, lightning hits the church steeple, and temporarily puts Supergirl out of commission. I'm thinking of something like the "lightning hits the De Lorean and charges up the flux capacitor" scene in the original "Back To the Future" movie!
Here it is:
Yes - as a physics teacher, I couldn't figure that one out at all! "Helium core - huh? Say what??"
Thermonuclear bombs actually use heavy isotopes of hydrogen, which they fuse to produce helium! And the bomb in "How Does She Do It?' was described as being able to level 10 city blocks, much less damage than a nuclear bomb would do. (More on the level of the MOAB, the largest non-nuclear bomb in the US arsenal).
But Kara was at least stunned and then fell to the ground by the effects of ordinary high-explosive bombs and warheads in other episodes, too. Toyman's bombs had that effect in the "Childish Things" episode, and so did Metallo's missile (fired from a drone) in the second season premiere. I wouldn't expect her to be affected by a car blowing up, though. A gasoline explosion produces much less energy than a high explosive bomb (and car's gas tank isn't really that large). I don't know if a black powder (a low explosive) bomb would have that much of an effect on her, though (unless it was very large, like an entire powder mill or ammo dump going up).
" Supergirl and Lena Luthor could be Connecticut Yankee’s in King Arthur’s Court"
It might be fun to show that what was considered "magic" then was actually primitive science in some cases. Have Merlin spout some mumbo-jumbo about how he will "call forth fire from the heavens" to take down Supergirl. But what he actually does is set up a sort of lightning rod on a church steeple. And sure enough, lightning hits the church steeple, and temporarily puts Supergirl out of commission. I'm thinking of something like the "lightning hits the De Lorean and charges up the flux capacitor" scene in the original "Back To the Future" movie!
Here it is:
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 13
If there is a show bible there doesn’t appear to be any set standard for her limits to keep consistency. As they have done before they write to suit the moment of drama instead.
For a “Connecticut Yankee’s in King Arthur’s Court", I would hope the good guys, Merlin included would team up on the same side. Supergirl get the chance to use Excalibur. OK, typically they might have a misunderstanding fight first.
What I would really like to see is Katie McGrath face off against her previous roll.
But Kara was at least stunned and then fell to the ground by the effects of ordinary high-explosive bombs and warheads in other episodes, too. Toyman's bombs had that effect in the "Childish Things" episode, and so did Metallo's missile (fired from a drone) in the second season premiere. I wouldn't expect her to be affected by a car blowing up, though. A gasoline explosion produces much less energy than a high explosive bomb (and car's gas tank isn't really that large). I don't know if a black powder (a low explosive) bomb would have that much of an effect on her, though (unless it was very large, like an entire powder mill or ammo dump going up).
For a “Connecticut Yankee’s in King Arthur’s Court", I would hope the good guys, Merlin included would team up on the same side. Supergirl get the chance to use Excalibur. OK, typically they might have a misunderstanding fight first.
What I would really like to see is Katie McGrath face off against her previous roll.
It might be fun to show that what was considered "magic" then was actually primitive science in some cases. Have Merlin spout some mumbo-jumbo about how he will "call forth fire from the heavens" to take down Supergirl. But what he actually does is set up a sort of lightning rod on a church steeple. And sure enough, lightning hits the church steeple, and temporarily puts Supergirl out of commission. I'm thinking of something like the "lightning hits the De Lorean and charges up the flux capacitor" scene in the original "Back To the Future" movie!
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 14
"If there is a show bible there doesn’t appear to be any set standard for her limits to keep consistency. As they have done before they write to suit the moment of drama instead."
Yes, that's exactly what I've said before, too!
Also, there doesn't seem to be "any set limits" to Kara's super-strength. In the "Childish Things" episode, she couldn't even fly out of Toyman's vat of quicksand without freezing it solid first. But then in the first season finale, she was able to lift Fort Rozz into space all by herself!
In my own fan fiction stories, I've tried to keep her strength and limits (vulnerability) as consistent as possible.
I was thinking about maybe having pirates involved in the story, too. Maybe the pirates could trick Kara into landing on a shipload of gunpowder, thinking that their hostages were there. (The explosion of a shipload of black powder has been known to take out around ten blocks of a port city!) Of course, Kara pulls the tripwire, and the powder goes up all at once, knocking her out. And then J'onn, Alex, Winn (and maybe Maggie, too) have to fish her out of the sea again. But there wouldn't be any of the DEO's artificial "sunlight lamps" around then, so Kara would have to deposited on the beach, so she could do some sunbathing to recharge her powers!
Yes, that's exactly what I've said before, too!
Also, there doesn't seem to be "any set limits" to Kara's super-strength. In the "Childish Things" episode, she couldn't even fly out of Toyman's vat of quicksand without freezing it solid first. But then in the first season finale, she was able to lift Fort Rozz into space all by herself!
In my own fan fiction stories, I've tried to keep her strength and limits (vulnerability) as consistent as possible.
I was thinking about maybe having pirates involved in the story, too. Maybe the pirates could trick Kara into landing on a shipload of gunpowder, thinking that their hostages were there. (The explosion of a shipload of black powder has been known to take out around ten blocks of a port city!) Of course, Kara pulls the tripwire, and the powder goes up all at once, knocking her out. And then J'onn, Alex, Winn (and maybe Maggie, too) have to fish her out of the sea again. But there wouldn't be any of the DEO's artificial "sunlight lamps" around then, so Kara would have to deposited on the beach, so she could do some sunbathing to recharge her powers!
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 15
Mark Hamill already played a villain on Flash. The Trickster.
I want to see Warworld.
I want to see an episode where two people switch bodies and hijinks ensue.
I want to see Warworld.
I want to see an episode where two people switch bodies and hijinks ensue.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 16
Less of Kara being rescued and more of Kara doing the rescuing.
Less relationship drama needing its own show, and more relationship stories better woven into the actual story line.
No more Guardian
Less relationship drama needing its own show, and more relationship stories better woven into the actual story line.
No more Guardian
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 17
I completely agree with this, I understand in season one when she was learning and needing guidance, but at this stage she should be able to look after herself no matter how hostile the situation is.
Lets agree to disagree on our perspective with the character relationships, I like what they did in season two, I know some don't.
I don’t know with Guardian, I would prefer if they at least try to improve him first, before making such a final decision.
Less of Kara being rescued and more of Kara doing the rescuing.
Lets agree to disagree on our perspective with the character relationships, I like what they did in season two, I know some don't.
Less relationship drama needing its own show, and more relationship stories better woven into the actual story line.
I don’t know with Guardian, I would prefer if they at least try to improve him first, before making such a final decision.
No more Guardian
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 18
I completely agree with this, I understand in season one when she was learning and needing guidance, but at this stage she should be able to look after herself no matter how hostile the situation is.
Less of Kara being rescued and more of Kara doing the rescuing.
Lets agree to disagree on our perspective with the character relationships, I like what they did in season two, I know some don't.
Less relationship drama needing its own show, and more relationship stories better woven into the actual story line.
I don’t know with Guardian, I would prefer if they at least try to improve him first, before making such a final decision.
No more Guardian
On another thread I went into more detail on the relationship stuff.....the story lines as far as relationship that were woven into the story, were fine...ex. Mon-el/Kara...I had no problem with the writing as far as that relationship. I thought it was fun, yet very much a part of the story.
The Maggie/Alex relationship started and ended just fine, I really like them together, it was the in between that was strange. The best example is in "Distant Sun" where there is a freaking bounty out on Kara and you have Alex worrying about Maggie and her ex-girlfriend. Just so weird and out of place. Their part of the episode did absolutely nothing to further their story or any other story for that matter. We already knew that Maggie had emotional baggage from earlier relationships....there was no need for that story, at that time, at all.
As far as Kara and Lena, I'm perfectly fine with that friendship, and I hope it grows...the fact is however, we really never saw that growth in the series, so apparently it grew during the lunches that we didn't see. But, I think it has a great start for next season.
Winn and Lyra, is pretty much just a non-starter as far as I'm concerned. The whole, lets bring her into the Superfriends thing fell flat as a pancake, and then we haven't seen her since. IMO, that part was just filler because there was far less Kara centered stuff in yet another episode.
As far as James, if you make him the new Snapper, it is simply changing the title at work. Anything that he could do as the new Snapper, they could have had him do as the new Cat and they didn't. The Guardian schtick has fallen flat, and has been set in people's minds as a negative for the most part. The writing of making him far from a hero and far more a whiney ego driven guy that was willing to first totally make his friend make him a suit because if he didn't he was going to go out with the hoodie and baseball bat no matter what...and then the whole thing of Guardian being blamed for murders and he sees himself on a video string a dude up by his feet, and he says...."that looks like a hero to me?" seriously????? that characterization drove off a cliff long ago, and they tried to get it back on track with Ep. 19, and his decision making totally destroyed CatCo....so not sure it was enough, IMO it looked more like an episode that was written to make him think.....maybe I can do more as a citizen rather than a vigilante.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 19
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