- Shanna1977
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Wednesday, 01 November 2017
....Why does not she simply makes an artificial insemination or adopt a baby? Damn it, let her send annoying Maggie to hell and have her child if she wants it so much!

I think that's part of how poorly this story line played itself out beyond the "coming out" story. Seemed odd to me that they're so far along in the engagement that they're already having a wedding shower, yet... Just off handedly Maggie informs Alex SHE doesn't want to be a mom, and then just off the cuff, "Is that ok with you, Alex?" ummm... That's a pretty BIG question for Maggie just to throw out there in public, AND without much feeling. AND... It's a pretty selfish thing to assume Alex would be fine not being a mom.
So, for me, it seems odd that they put a great deal of thought behind the coming out, and not much thought beyond.
But, good on Chyler for, yet again, knocking it out of the ballpark with her attention to detail in all aspects of her acting.
Yeah. If I'm being honest, everything beyond them initially getting together hasn't been my cup of tea. No disrespect meant to those who enjoyed it, and I certainly don't have anything against LGBT characters and representation. But you're right. Most of what has occurred since their initial get-together has, to me, felt rushed and forced.
As for Chyler knocking that scene out of the park...She's definitely a fantastic actress. But I also think she was able to draw off of really being a loving Mom in real life. Being a parent in real life, and portraying a scene where you realize your future might not involve children...I can only imagine that it's like imagining what your life would be like if you never had your real life children. Lots of real emotion to draw from, there.
I'll be honest, ever since we found out about the impending end of "Sanvers", I've been looking forward to episode 6 and beyond. Not because I hate Sanvers, or Maggie, or Floriana. I don't. But I'm eager to see what the next chapter of Alex's life holds.
More importantly, I'm eager to see Kara and Alex move on from Mon-El and Maggie, together. I feel like that might be a driving force in why they return to Midvale in episode 6. A chance to get away, and deal with the recent happenings in their lives.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
Yeah, I'm not sure how this Mon-El coming back into the picture is going to go.
1. If he stays on for a couple of episodes and goes back w/ to the future, and then comes in later on for this or that reason, kind of like Superman, but maybe a few more times to hold up to his "Regular" status, then I don't think I would mind that...
2. If he comes back, and Saturn Girl realizes holy love of his life that she ain't it and Kara is and she moves on, and they get back together....I don't want the relationship to be the same as last season. I would want more of a relationship that is strong, quiet, Mon-el not saying everthing he is thinking, both confident in who they are as individuals....just a really SOLID fun, competitive, but extremely supportive relationship that is much more mature than what they had last season.
3. If this becomes a triangle, the writers will get an earful, or tweetful so to speak...lol I DO NOT WANT THAT.....
1. If he stays on for a couple of episodes and goes back w/ to the future, and then comes in later on for this or that reason, kind of like Superman, but maybe a few more times to hold up to his "Regular" status, then I don't think I would mind that...
2. If he comes back, and Saturn Girl realizes holy love of his life that she ain't it and Kara is and she moves on, and they get back together....I don't want the relationship to be the same as last season. I would want more of a relationship that is strong, quiet, Mon-el not saying everthing he is thinking, both confident in who they are as individuals....just a really SOLID fun, competitive, but extremely supportive relationship that is much more mature than what they had last season.
3. If this becomes a triangle, the writers will get an earful, or tweetful so to speak...lol I DO NOT WANT THAT.....
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
I think that's part of how poorly this story line played itself out beyond the "coming out" story. Seemed odd to me that they're so far along in the engagement that they're already having a wedding shower, yet... Just off handedly Maggie informs Alex SHE doesn't want to be a mom, and then just off the cuff, "Is that ok with you, Alex?" ummm... That's a pretty BIG question for Maggie just to throw out there in public, AND without much feeling. AND... It's a pretty selfish thing to assume Alex would be fine not being a mom.
So, for me, it seems odd that they put a great deal of thought behind the coming out, and not much thought beyond.
But, good on Chyler for, yet again, knocking it out of the ballpark with her attention to detail in all aspects of her acting.
Well, it has been 6 months since she was asked, that seems long enough to have a wedding shower. As far as Maggie just off the cuff question. Honestly, she seems to be a person that is very into herself, in that her way goes....and if she is going to be in a relationship, YES, she will be totally in it for her partner, but she doesn't really have any other people in her life besides Alex to garner any of her attention. Alex does.......and it seems that Maggie expects Alex to be totally into the 2 of them just as much as she is....and that would just not happen. So Maggie not even wondering really if Alex would want kids is not surprising at all.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
I'll be honest, ever since we found out about the impending end of "Sanvers", I've been looking forward to episode 6 and beyond. Not because I hate Sanvers, or Maggie, or Floriana. I don't. But I'm eager to see what the next chapter of Alex's life holds.
Same here kdogg. Since hearing about Midvale, i have been very excited about it because we get perhaps a more expansive backstory on the sisters Danvers. And perhaps this can begin to put an end to some of the stories in season 2 and give us a supposed fresh start or lead-up into and past the Earth-X crossover.
Midvale, with its near emphasis on our favorite sisters could be a turning point in the series run which has had three of four solid episodes this season so far.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
Yeah, I'm not sure how this Mon-El coming back into the picture is going to go.
1. If he stays on for a couple of episodes and goes back w/ to the future, and then comes in later on for this or that reason, kind of like Superman, but maybe a few more times to hold up to his "Regular" status, then I don't think I would mind that...
2. If he comes back, and Saturn Girl realizes holy love of his life that she ain't it and Kara is and she moves on, and they get back together....I don't want the relationship to be the same as last season. I would want more of a relationship that is strong, quiet, Mon-el not saying everthing he is thinking, both confident in who they are as individuals....just a really SOLID fun, competitive, but extremely supportive relationship that is much more mature than what they had last season.
3. If this becomes a triangle, the writers will get an earful, or tweetful so to speak...lol I DO NOT WANT THAT.....
I think the best outcome would be that Mon-El has been with the Legion for quite a long while, and that he and Saturn Girl are an item. Kara realizes he has his own calling as a hero, using the lessons he learned from Kara, Mon-El returns to the future to the Legin, with Saturn Girl. And Kara despite losing him, again, is actually okay, because this time, she knows that he is alive and has found a place to belong.
I have nothing against Melissa and Chris being together in real life. I hear they are charming as can be. But I hope Kara and Mon-El don't get back together. In season 1, Kara took joy in just being Supergirl. She didn't NEED a man. That being said, if they do get back together, I hope it's more like the dynamic in "Ace Reporter". Mon-El was a comedic side character, but ultimately was background support, and didn't really steal the spotlight.
I just think that them getting back together is a regression. We'll be a solid 6 episodes into the season, all of which have featured Kara getting over Mon-El in an attempt to return to her normal self. To have him come back and for them to pick up RIGHT where they left off would be a complete disservice, in my eyes, to the progress and growth Kara has made, this season.
Turning it into a love triangle...just...just no. I agree that it's the worst idea they could pursue. We got enough of that with the Kara-James-Lucy thing, which ultimately ended up pointless.
You can have a "main role" or "recurring role", and not have an overwhelming presence. And I hope that's how it is with Mon-El.
And technically, his appearances in flashbacks or psychic fear attacks in episodes 1 and 2 of this season count towards his "regular" status.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
I think that's part of how poorly this story line played itself out beyond the "coming out" story. Seemed odd to me that they're so far along in the engagement that they're already having a wedding shower, yet... Just off handedly Maggie informs Alex SHE doesn't want to be a mom, and then just off the cuff, "Is that ok with you, Alex?" ummm... That's a pretty BIG question for Maggie just to throw out there in public, AND without much feeling. AND... It's a pretty selfish thing to assume Alex would be fine not being a mom.
So, for me, it seems odd that they put a great deal of thought behind the coming out, and not much thought beyond.
But, good on Chyler for, yet again, knocking it out of the ballpark with her attention to detail in all aspects of her acting.
So, for me, it seems odd that they put a great deal of thought behind the coming out, and not much thought beyond.
But, good on Chyler for, yet again, knocking it out of the ballpark with her attention to detail in all aspects of her acting.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
I have a bad feeling Alex will adopt Ruby or something like that. Anyway I can see a whole plot line for Alex of her getting closer to the kid while she's in protective DEO custody.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
I have a bad feeling Alex will adopt Ruby or something like that. Anyway I can see a whole plot line for Alex of her getting closer to the kid while she's in protective DEO custody.
Because I think Ruby will die tragically and that will make her mother go crazy and become a villain.

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
As for Chyler knocking that scene out of the park...She's definitely a fantastic actress. But I also think she was able to draw off of really being a loving Mom in real life. Being a parent in real life, and portraying a scene where you realize your future might not involve children...I can only imagine that it's like imagining what your life would be like if you never had your real life children. Lots of real emotion to draw from, there.
Funny you should mention that, Kdogg. Thought same thing watching. The fact that she always talks about her kids, especially how her girls love playing Alex and Kara together, I would think her own motherhood played into how she reacted on screen.
More importantly, I'm eager to see Kara and Alex move on from Mon-El and Maggie, together. I feel like that might be a driving force in why they return to Midvale in episode 6. A chance to get away, and deal with the recent happenings in their lives.
Yep! That right there! I like Mon-El. But, I've mentioned recently, I'd be totally down without him returning simply because I'm liking the current direction of the show. Though, I AM looking forward to MelB's acting in the scenes that will come up due to said return.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
I think that's part of how poorly this story line played itself out beyond the "coming out" story. Seemed odd to me that they're so far along in the engagement that they're already having a wedding shower, yet... Just off handedly Maggie informs Alex SHE doesn't want to be a mom, and then just off the cuff, "Is that ok with you, Alex?" ummm... That's a pretty BIG question for Maggie just to throw out there in public, AND without much feeling. AND... It's a pretty selfish thing to assume Alex would be fine not being a mom.
So, for me, it seems odd that they put a great deal of thought behind the coming out, and not much thought beyond.
But, good on Chyler for, yet again, knocking it out of the ballpark with her attention to detail in all aspects of her acting.
Well, it has been 6 months since she was asked, that seems long enough to have a wedding shower. As far as Maggie just off the cuff question. Honestly, she seems to be a person that is very into herself, in that her way goes....and if she is going to be in a relationship, YES, she will be totally in it for her partner, but she doesn't really have any other people in her life besides Alex to garner any of her attention. Alex does.......and it seems that Maggie expects Alex to be totally into the 2 of them just as much as she is....and that would just not happen. So Maggie not even wondering really if Alex would want kids is not surprising at all.
Rereading what I wrote, I realize it reads totally different than what I meant. Sorry for that. What I meant was, it seemed like dumb writing to me that Alex and Maggie were far enough along in the engagement that they're having the wedding shower, YET the subject of "do you want kids?" has never come up until Maggie just randomly throws it out there that she's never had the intention of having kids. Thank heavens Alex stopped to check in on Ruby at the ambulance or who knows if they would have ever talked about being moms until after the wedding.
And fully agree, Kelly, on your assessment of Maggie. And, I believe they wrote her as being rather selfish or immature there... "I've never really seen myself as being a mom. HOPE you're ok with that"? Ummm....

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
Well, it has been 6 months since she was asked, that seems long enough to have a wedding shower. As far as Maggie just off the cuff question. Honestly, she seems to be a person that is very into herself, in that her way goes....and if she is going to be in a relationship, YES, she will be totally in it for her partner, but she doesn't really have any other people in her life besides Alex to garner any of her attention. Alex does.......and it seems that Maggie expects Alex to be totally into the 2 of them just as much as she is....and that would just not happen. So Maggie not even wondering really if Alex would want kids is not surprising at all.
It is possible, considering how consistent Maggie has been in that regard, that the writers meant to break the relationship owing to Maggie's nature and her lack of interest in Alex's interests and people (and Alex growing out of it as you sometimes would out of a first love scenario) rather than the kid issue. However, Sanvers became a fandom sensation, the show got a lot of critic praise for it, and they came up with something more acceptable for the breakup. It still has not worked with hardcore fans, but others appreciate it.
And, it got Chyler some powerful scenes.

I don't think Mon El will come back as a love interest (in CW, people change love interests every season; unless you are the flash?). But, let us see.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 11
I think most of the critical praise, didn't exactly come because of #Sanvers, but the journey that Alex took to get to #Sanvers.
I'm sure some #Sanvers fans are very upset that they are breaking up, but in reality......THAT IS REALITY! Maggie has never done well with long term relationships, and it is a first love scenario for Alex which the ratio of first loves making it in the long haul, and vice versa lays heavy on the first loves don't make it for the long haul end of that scenario. That's with most relationships. Some do yes, but in reality, most don't. So put those 2 things together, and well.....we should have seen this coming rather Floriana stayed around or not.
IMO, you want the critical praise to continue? then write Alex as a strong, independent, single, lesbian woman making it in this world.....you have massive reality with that.
I'm sure some #Sanvers fans are very upset that they are breaking up, but in reality......THAT IS REALITY! Maggie has never done well with long term relationships, and it is a first love scenario for Alex which the ratio of first loves making it in the long haul, and vice versa lays heavy on the first loves don't make it for the long haul end of that scenario. That's with most relationships. Some do yes, but in reality, most don't. So put those 2 things together, and well.....we should have seen this coming rather Floriana stayed around or not.
IMO, you want the critical praise to continue? then write Alex as a strong, independent, single, lesbian woman making it in this world.....you have massive reality with that.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 12
It's a really good story line, I don't know where it will go and that's part of what makes it exciting. I don't think it's as cut and dry as some. Danvers was willing to try let it go for love, there's no law saying that can't go back the other way in accepting it. There is an ocean between statements like "I never saw a child in my future" and "I can't see a future without one". I went to BOTH sex in the city movies for love.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 13
It's a really good story line, I don't know where it will go and that's part of what makes it exciting. I don't think it's as cut and dry as some. Danvers was willing to try let it go for love, there's no law saying that can't go back the other way in accepting it. There is an ocean between statements like "I never saw a child in my future" and "I can't see a future without one". I went to BOTH sex in the city movies for love.
For many, I would say yes....but for Maggie, hmmmm.....who knows. She really hasn't changed all that much since the first time we saw her. She never has really accommodated Alex in any way, except to keep Kara's secret....and yet, she has never really seemed to like Supergirl all that much. So, I don't see her moving on from a "no children" scenario.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 14
Rereading what I wrote, I realize it reads totally different than what I meant. Sorry for that. What I meant was, it seemed like dumb writing to me that Alex and Maggie were far enough along in the engagement that they're having the wedding shower, YET the subject of "do you want kids?" has never come up until Maggie just randomly throws it out there that she's never had the intention of having kids. Thank heavens Alex stopped to check in on Ruby at the ambulance or who knows if they would have ever talked about being moms until after the wedding.
And fully agree, Kelly, on your assessment of Maggie. And, I believe they wrote her as being rather selfish or immature there... "I've never really seen myself as being a mom. HOPE you're ok with that"? Ummm....![]()
I mentioned in the Episode 2 thread that there was a reference to a Romeo and Juliet line about love being blind. I really think that that concept could easily apply to both the Alex/Maggie relationship and the Kara/Mon-El relationship. I feel as though both Alex and Kara found love for the first time and were blind to some of the "faults" of their respecting partners. Many times, when first love occurs, important conversations are neglected or avoided due to the feelings of bliss that seem to overtake the heart and head. Sometimes, these conversations do occur, in time, as in the case of Alex/Maggie but, sometimes they don't; could be a factor behind some divorces.
kdogg- I, too, am anxious to see both Alex and Kara moving on and seeing who they are as independent women. We really haven't seen that aspect of either one of them since the show began. Season 1 was about Kara figuring out how to be Supergirl and about Alex figuring out how to protect Kara

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 15
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