So, Lena knows Mike is with Kara, Mon-El is with Supergirl, Mike is Mon-El, Mon-El is with Kara.
Obvious conclusion, Kara is Supergirl?
- Fedguy
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Wednesday, 18 October 2017
It could very well be that part of the reason Kara hasn't told Lena is that buried deep down in her subconscious there is a I'll call self preservation instinct telling Kara that a Super shouldn't trust a Luthor with thier true identity. I know I've experienced something I can't explain telling me not to do something when there's no rationale reason not to.
I think that among other reasons stated in this thread are why Kara hasn't come clean. IMO that raises three questions.
The first question is what if anything will cause Kara to realize these unconscious feelings. I can see a talk with James, who more than anyone understands the Super/Luthor dynamic, where he says it's getting harder for him to cover for her at work and asking Kara why she doesn't trust Lena enough to just tell her the truth about why she keeps running off.
The second question is what will Kara tell Lena when she inevitably does find out. I don't want Kara to blame Alex or anyone else. Will she give multiple reasons or just one? I hope it's the truth mostly because I as a viewer want to know.
The third question is how will Lena react. No matter what Kara says, if she even gets a chance to explain, Lena's going to be hurt and we should see that. I'd like to see a couple of episodes where Kara doesn't know if she's lost Lena's friendship and if Lena's been pushed over the Luthor edge. It could be Kara making some sacrifice for Lena perhaps involving Morgan Edge that gets them talking again but Lena says they have to start their friendship again with no secrets.
I don't want evil Lena, gray sure but not evil.
I think that among other reasons stated in this thread are why Kara hasn't come clean. IMO that raises three questions.
The first question is what if anything will cause Kara to realize these unconscious feelings. I can see a talk with James, who more than anyone understands the Super/Luthor dynamic, where he says it's getting harder for him to cover for her at work and asking Kara why she doesn't trust Lena enough to just tell her the truth about why she keeps running off.
The second question is what will Kara tell Lena when she inevitably does find out. I don't want Kara to blame Alex or anyone else. Will she give multiple reasons or just one? I hope it's the truth mostly because I as a viewer want to know.
The third question is how will Lena react. No matter what Kara says, if she even gets a chance to explain, Lena's going to be hurt and we should see that. I'd like to see a couple of episodes where Kara doesn't know if she's lost Lena's friendship and if Lena's been pushed over the Luthor edge. It could be Kara making some sacrifice for Lena perhaps involving Morgan Edge that gets them talking again but Lena says they have to start their friendship again with no secrets.
I don't want evil Lena, gray sure but not evil.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
Actually, I believe Lena knew Mike and Mon-El are one in the same. So she saw Kara being with Mon-El, not Supergirl. Remember the scene where Supergirl, upon going up to Rhea's ship to rescue them, Supergirl runs into Mon-El and Lena? Supergirl and Mon-El had to act "cool" in front of Lena, rather than hug and kiss each other?
I think she found out IN THAT EPISODE. She didn't know in the restaurant when It was Kara and Mon-el "Ace Reporter" least I don't believe she did. As I stated she found out sort of in episode 20, if she even realized it then....but found out for sure in Ep. 21 "Resist" because she had no clue before that that Mon-el was Rhea's son.
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
I think Lena has a blindspot when it comes to Kara. It is possibly because she seemed to be the first person to have wholly accepted her despite her Luthor last name; and has consistently come through for her.
So.. she doesn't expect this person she cares so much for to lie to her or hide something from her; especially when she has made it clear she has issues with Aliens.
And.. I think it'd be very hard on her when she find out the truth about Kara--enough to actually break her. I had not thought so before, but the way she reacted to Kara's request about Cat Co and whole interaction in episode 2 makes me suspect that.
Kara will have a very hard time earning her trust once that is broken.
So.. she doesn't expect this person she cares so much for to lie to her or hide something from her; especially when she has made it clear she has issues with Aliens.
And.. I think it'd be very hard on her when she find out the truth about Kara--enough to actually break her. I had not thought so before, but the way she reacted to Kara's request about Cat Co and whole interaction in episode 2 makes me suspect that.
Kara will have a very hard time earning her trust once that is broken.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
Great points, SSAV!
I think what might anger, or rather embarrass Lena about not knowing is that fact that she prides herself in being able to know when people are lying. THEN, couple that with the fact that everyone else in Kara's life that is important to her knows her true identity...that fact, I think, will make Lena feel untrusted. THEN...triple all that with the fact that her MOTHER knows?
An argument I think Kara could use that might lessen Lena's anger/embarrassment/hurt would be something along the lines of, "Lena, you were the ONLY one in my life that I could just be Kara with." I think something like that would actually sink in with Lena, and make sense to her.
I get where you are coming from with that....but I still think that is a weak argument. The person she can just be Kara with is Alex....why? because she has just been Kara with her for 1/2 her life.
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
A lot of people are asking "why wont Kara tell Lena that she is Supergirl?" and I know the answer!
see it has been made clear in the last two season that Supergirl is Kara Danvers and she loves to be Kara Danvers (well not recently but you know what I mean) because it gives her a place to feel normal. Like for example S1E5 Red Faced where she tries her hardest to keep game night alive because it is the only thing normal. Also that one episode (cant remember which one) where Kara thanks Cat Grant and says "it makes me feel normal" You guys connecting the dots here? Basically is that Lena is the only one who doesn't know and Supergirl wants to keep it that way BECAUSE it is one of the last remaining places where she can BE normal and feel normal, like having a connection from alien to human.
see it has been made clear in the last two season that Supergirl is Kara Danvers and she loves to be Kara Danvers (well not recently but you know what I mean) because it gives her a place to feel normal. Like for example S1E5 Red Faced where she tries her hardest to keep game night alive because it is the only thing normal. Also that one episode (cant remember which one) where Kara thanks Cat Grant and says "it makes me feel normal" You guys connecting the dots here? Basically is that Lena is the only one who doesn't know and Supergirl wants to keep it that way BECAUSE it is one of the last remaining places where she can BE normal and feel normal, like having a connection from alien to human.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
I'd like Lena to be what I had hoped for Mon El last season. Someone who doesn't give much thought to heroics and idealism, but is ready to support her friends to the tilt; but still has legitimate personal concerns. (Right now, she is being too heroic and idealistic.
. I find it hard to accept in a business woman of such calibre who has dealt with people like her mother and Edge.)
Going head to head with Kara and Supergirl on matters of ideals, but walking with her when it comes to supporting her in matters of life and death.
So, I hope, since, they are having the friend to foe story in Reign anyways, they won't go with Evil Lena for this show.
But, I will be extremely disappointed if there is no fall out. And, I find it highly unlikely; given the stress they have given on Lena's vulnerability as well as faith. Best Case scenario is Kara tells the truth herself; but even then, there would be fall out.

Going head to head with Kara and Supergirl on matters of ideals, but walking with her when it comes to supporting her in matters of life and death.
So, I hope, since, they are having the friend to foe story in Reign anyways, they won't go with Evil Lena for this show.
But, I will be extremely disappointed if there is no fall out. And, I find it highly unlikely; given the stress they have given on Lena's vulnerability as well as faith. Best Case scenario is Kara tells the truth herself; but even then, there would be fall out.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
She doesn't know Mon-el is with Supergirl....
She knows that Kara was dating an Alien, who's name was Mon-el, who went by Mike on earth...I don't think she knew he was an alien until she found out that he was Rhea's son. Which wasn't until Ep. 21 "Resist" up until the episode where Mike suddenly shows up with Supergirl and a martian....that Mike wasn't just Kara's boyfriend. Then once she is taken up on the ship, she learns who Mike actually is, and that Kara is dating an alien....but there is no reason why she would have thought any thing else other than that.
Also, I think this is why I think that it is important that they allow Lena to be totally pissed at Kara when she does find out.......I don't think it has crossed her mind that Kara OR Supergirl would lie to her. She totally trusts both that they are who they are, and if they were the same person they would of course tell HER. Kara is her best friend, why in the world would she not tell her......OH YEAH......SHE'S A LUTHOR.... well, there it is, even my best friend doesn't trust me. There HAS TO BE some fall out from when she finds out, whether Kara tells her or she finds out some other way.
The only question I have is why didn't Rhea or Lillian tell her who Supergirl actually is? I kind of understand why Lillian didn't, but there was absolutely no reason why Rhea shouldn't have told her.
She knows that Kara was dating an Alien, who's name was Mon-el, who went by Mike on earth...I don't think she knew he was an alien until she found out that he was Rhea's son. Which wasn't until Ep. 21 "Resist" up until the episode where Mike suddenly shows up with Supergirl and a martian....that Mike wasn't just Kara's boyfriend. Then once she is taken up on the ship, she learns who Mike actually is, and that Kara is dating an alien....but there is no reason why she would have thought any thing else other than that.
Also, I think this is why I think that it is important that they allow Lena to be totally pissed at Kara when she does find out.......I don't think it has crossed her mind that Kara OR Supergirl would lie to her. She totally trusts both that they are who they are, and if they were the same person they would of course tell HER. Kara is her best friend, why in the world would she not tell her......OH YEAH......SHE'S A LUTHOR.... well, there it is, even my best friend doesn't trust me. There HAS TO BE some fall out from when she finds out, whether Kara tells her or she finds out some other way.
The only question I have is why didn't Rhea or Lillian tell her who Supergirl actually is? I kind of understand why Lillian didn't, but there was absolutely no reason why Rhea shouldn't have told her.
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
Agreed, Kelly. Well actually, she would have found out last scene of the episode before that, I think... Right? The whole scene in the lab when Mon-El confronts mommy dearest with Lena there... Wasn't that a separate epi and then the NEXT week was the almost married epi? Or were they all one?
But yeah... Right then I think is when Lena realized Mike and Mon-El were one. AND so I THOUGHT that's when Lena would put 2 and 2 together for Kara/Supergirl. But instead, all she got to on her thinking was to...oh my KARA is dating an alien. And six month or so later, she STILL hasn't put Kara/Supergirl together.
Yes, I said that in one of my posts above. I don't know that she found out that Mon-el was Rhea's son she was knocked out before their mother/son reunion....but I'm sure she had for a split second wondered how Mon-el suddenly came out of no where with Supergirl and a Man from Mars.....
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
Actually, I believe Lena knew Mike and Mon-El are one in the same. So she saw Kara being with Mon-El, not Supergirl. Remember the scene where Supergirl, upon going up to Rhea's ship to rescue them, Supergirl runs into Mon-El and Lena? Supergirl and Mon-El had to act "cool" in front of Lena, rather than hug and kiss each other?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
Agreed, Kelly. Well actually, she would have found out last scene of the episode before that, I think... Right? The whole scene in the lab when Mon-El confronts mommy dearest with Lena there... Wasn't that a separate epi and then the NEXT week was the almost married epi? Or were they all one?
But yeah... Right then I think is when Lena realized Mike and Mon-El were one. AND so I THOUGHT that's when Lena would put 2 and 2 together for Kara/Supergirl. But instead, all she got to on her thinking was to...oh my KARA is dating an alien. And six month or so later, she STILL hasn't put Kara/Supergirl together.
But yeah... Right then I think is when Lena realized Mike and Mon-El were one. AND so I THOUGHT that's when Lena would put 2 and 2 together for Kara/Supergirl. But instead, all she got to on her thinking was to...oh my KARA is dating an alien. And six month or so later, she STILL hasn't put Kara/Supergirl together.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 11
I think Lena has a blindspot when it comes to Kara. It is possibly because she seemed to be the first person to have wholly accepted her despite her Luthor last name; and has consistently come through for her.
So.. she doesn't expect this person she cares so much for to lie to her or hide something from her; especially when she has made it clear she has issues with Aliens.
And.. I think it'd be very hard on her when she find out the truth about Kara--enough to actually break her. I had not thought so before, but the way she reacted to Kara's request about Cat Co and whole interaction in episode 2 makes me suspect that.
Kara will have a very hard time earning her trust once that is broken.
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 12
Great points, SSAV!
I think what might anger, or rather embarrass Lena about not knowing is that fact that she prides herself in being able to know when people are lying. THEN, couple that with the fact that everyone else in Kara's life that is important to her knows her true identity...that fact, I think, will make Lena feel untrusted. THEN...triple all that with the fact that her MOTHER knows?
An argument I think Kara could use that might lessen Lena's anger/embarrassment/hurt would be something along the lines of, "Lena, you were the ONLY one in my life that I could just be Kara with." I think something like that would actually sink in with Lena, and make sense to her.
I think what might anger, or rather embarrass Lena about not knowing is that fact that she prides herself in being able to know when people are lying. THEN, couple that with the fact that everyone else in Kara's life that is important to her knows her true identity...that fact, I think, will make Lena feel untrusted. THEN...triple all that with the fact that her MOTHER knows?
An argument I think Kara could use that might lessen Lena's anger/embarrassment/hurt would be something along the lines of, "Lena, you were the ONLY one in my life that I could just be Kara with." I think something like that would actually sink in with Lena, and make sense to her.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 13
Great points, SSAV!
I think what might anger, or rather embarrass Lena about not knowing is that fact that she prides herself in being able to know when people are lying. THEN, couple that with the fact that everyone else in Kara's life that is important to her knows her true identity...that fact, I think, will make Lena feel untrusted. THEN...triple all that with the fact that her MOTHER knows?
An argument I think Kara could use that might lessen Lena's anger/embarrassment/hurt would be something along the lines of, "Lena, you were the ONLY one in my life that I could just be Kara with." I think something like that would actually sink in with Lena, and make sense to her.
I get where you are coming from with that....but I still think that is a weak argument. The person she can just be Kara with is Alex....why? because she has just been Kara with her for 1/2 her life.
Kara can also truthfully say she's only ever told two people Winn and Lucy Lane. Her family and the DEO already knew she was an alien. She didn't tell James who she is Superman did. It could be argued that Lucy was an emergency. Winn is another story. Maybe she could say she needed a tech expert? Everyone else figured it out on their own or spied on her.
I think how Lena finds out is going to be the biggest factor in how she reacts. Is Kara even going to get a chance to explain?
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 14
Great points, SSAV!
I think what might anger, or rather embarrass Lena about not knowing is that fact that she prides herself in being able to know when people are lying. THEN, couple that with the fact that everyone else in Kara's life that is important to her knows her true identity...that fact, I think, will make Lena feel untrusted. THEN...triple all that with the fact that her MOTHER knows?
An argument I think Kara could use that might lessen Lena's anger/embarrassment/hurt would be something along the lines of, "Lena, you were the ONLY one in my life that I could just be Kara with." I think something like that would actually sink in with Lena, and make sense to her.
I get where you are coming from with that....but I still think that is a weak argument. The person she can just be Kara with is Alex....why? because she has just been Kara with her for 1/2 her life.
Kara can also truthfully say she's only ever told two people Winn and Lucy Lane. Her family and the DEO already knew she was an alien. She didn't tell James who she is Superman did. It could be argued that Lucy was an emergency. Winn is another story. Maybe she could say she needed a tech expert? Everyone else figured it out on their own or spied on her.
I think how Lena finds out is going to be the biggest factor in how she reacts. Is Kara even going to get a chance to explain?
exactly, I think it would be very easy to spin Kara telling Lena into a compliment to Lena juxtaposed to it being a slight that she kept it from Lena. We are all expecting Lena to go evil at some point, I'd like ti to be about something real.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 15
If she starts trying to spin it, it will make it worse....because the spin turns out to really just be excuses. I would like to know at some point the real reason WHY she hasn't told Lena. Is it because she is a Luthor? Because she hasn't told but 2 people? Lena thinks they are BFF's and so does Kara, isn't that what Winn was to her? She didn't tell him because she needed a tech guy, she told him because he was her best friend and she wanted to share it with him. So? Why not share it with Lena? There really needs to be some narrative as to why she hasn't told her.....
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 16
If she starts trying to spin it, it will make it worse....because the spin turns out to really just be excuses. I would like to know at some point the real reason WHY she hasn't told Lena. Is it because she is a Luthor? Because she hasn't told but 2 people? Lena thinks they are BFF's and so does Kara, isn't that what Winn was to her? She didn't tell him because she needed a tech guy, she told him because he was her best friend and she wanted to share it with him. So? Why not share it with Lena? There really needs to be some narrative as to why she hasn't told her.....
simple, you throw Alex under the bus. 'My sister wouldnt let me tell anyone', and explain recent events (her attacks from Psi) have made her want to embrace what she has more than ever.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 17
If she starts trying to spin it, it will make it worse....because the spin turns out to really just be excuses. I would like to know at some point the real reason WHY she hasn't told Lena. Is it because she is a Luthor? Because she hasn't told but 2 people? Lena thinks they are BFF's and so does Kara, isn't that what Winn was to her? She didn't tell him because she needed a tech guy, she told him because he was her best friend and she wanted to share it with him. So? Why not share it with Lena? There really needs to be some narrative as to why she hasn't told her.....
simple, you throw Alex under the bus. 'My sister wouldnt let me tell anyone', and explain recent events (her attacks from Psi) have made her want to embrace what she has more than ever.
I don't like when people do that, so I hope that is not the direction the writers go.....she needs to be 100% on the level, not throwing people under the bus, trying to make excuses, etc....she puts it out there as it is, whatever that may be as long as its the truth.
Here's the thing, apparently they became best buds last season, even though nothing really ever showed that, but apparently they did. And, we have not heard Kara even once talk with anyone about wanting to tell Lena....if she had done that, and Alex said no way, then sure put it on Alex, but we haven't seen even a tid bit of a scene showing this.
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 18
If she starts trying to spin it, it will make it worse....because the spin turns out to really just be excuses. I would like to know at some point the real reason WHY she hasn't told Lena. Is it because she is a Luthor? Because she hasn't told but 2 people? Lena thinks they are BFF's and so does Kara, isn't that what Winn was to her? She didn't tell him because she needed a tech guy, she told him because he was her best friend and she wanted to share it with him. So? Why not share it with Lena? There really needs to be some narrative as to why she hasn't told her.....
simple, you throw Alex under the bus. 'My sister wouldnt let me tell anyone', and explain recent events (her attacks from Psi) have made her want to embrace what she has more than ever.
I don't like when people do that, so I hope that is not the direction the writers go.....she needs to be 100% on the level, not throwing people under the bus, trying to make excuses, etc....she puts it out there as it is, whatever that may be as long as its the truth.
Here's the thing, apparently they became best buds last season, even though nothing really ever showed that, but apparently they did. And, we have not heard Kara even once talk with anyone about wanting to tell Lena....if she had done that, and Alex said no way, then sure put it on Alex, but we haven't seen even a tid bit of a scene showing this.
In episode 1x2 Alex arrives at Kara's appartment and is miffed when she learns Kara has told Winn. Episode 1x3 while eating sticky buns at the diner Alex says 'seriously the less people who know the better'
So it would not be a lie to say Alex wouldnt let me.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 19
If she starts trying to spin it, it will make it worse....because the spin turns out to really just be excuses. I would like to know at some point the real reason WHY she hasn't told Lena. Is it because she is a Luthor? Because she hasn't told but 2 people? Lena thinks they are BFF's and so does Kara, isn't that what Winn was to her? She didn't tell him because she needed a tech guy, she told him because he was her best friend and she wanted to share it with him. So? Why not share it with Lena? There really needs to be some narrative as to why she hasn't told her.....
simple, you throw Alex under the bus. 'My sister wouldnt let me tell anyone', and explain recent events (her attacks from Psi) have made her want to embrace what she has more than ever.
I don't like when people do that, so I hope that is not the direction the writers go.....she needs to be 100% on the level, not throwing people under the bus, trying to make excuses, etc....she puts it out there as it is, whatever that may be as long as its the truth.
Here's the thing, apparently they became best buds last season, even though nothing really ever showed that, but apparently they did. And, we have not heard Kara even once talk with anyone about wanting to tell Lena....if she had done that, and Alex said no way, then sure put it on Alex, but we haven't seen even a tid bit of a scene showing this.
In episode 1x2 Alex arrives at Kara's appartment and is miffed when she learns Kara has told Winn. Episode 1x3 while eating sticky buns at the diner Alex says 'seriously the less people who know the better'
So it would not be a lie to say Alex wouldnt let me.
And we have seen absolutely nothing in this line of thinking since those episodes. It would be a lie, because that was back when Kara was still unsure of herself as Supergirl, Alex was still unsure of Kara as Supergirl, neither of them are the same person anymore, and for the most part Season 1 has been wiped, I believe it would be a lie at this point, unless we see something of Kara thinking about telling Lena and Alex saying, no way.
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 20
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